Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol Winner...

Although I like Adam better and I totally think he deserves to win, congrats to Kris.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Filipino Mitch Hewer!

Last Saturday, May 16, my friends and I had review class. And as usual, we went to Starbucks again for lunch. Then I saw this guy come in. He had dyed hair. His hair color was brown with dyed red or orange. And he was HOT! When I really saw his face, he looked like a Filipino Mitch Hewer!!! And he was so cute!!! Even when he smiles! GAHH!!! Carla had her brother's camera. And so MYSTERIOUSLY, somoehow it took pictures of the hot guy ;) haha! LOL!

Lasertag Flirting?!?!

I went to Market Market yesterday. Naesa, Mike and I went laser tagging. There were only 2 greens, one of them a staff member, 5 reds and 8 light blues, which we were included in. Then I was in "my corner". The corner I ALWAYS go to. LOL! Then a green guy kept shooting me so I kept shooting him back. Then he went behind me corner. And I got him! YEAH! I shot him a lot actually. It was dark but all I could see was a beanie and I thought he looked mestiso. So I kept shooting and laughing. It was so weird. Was I lasertag flirting?!?! Anyways, I got 8th place cuz me and my brother got THE SAME NUMBER OF POINTS. The red team won. Light blue, second and third green. But the first placer was the guy, HABAGAT. And that was the guy in the beanie. WHO WAS THE STAFF MEMBER!!! @.@ Then when we were leaving, he told my brother "Ang galing ng ate mo." haha. x.X. Teehee. He wasn't that cute but he had the likableness that Danny Gokey has. X.x Gross much? Teehee.

Crush on Danny Gokey?

I have no idea why. Danny Gokey has a HUGE likable factor. And as my mom said, "He has such a sweet smile." I really cried the last time he sang in American Idol. Because when he was singing "You Are So Beautiful" I was imagining that he was dedicating it to his wife. TT.TT So sweet!