So I woke up kinda late... Hehe... Then I got ready at like 2... I went to school with my sisters to enroll... My eldest sister also wanted to see my school... Hehe... I saw Mandy and Adrian and also Patty, her sister and their mom... So we were already done with step 1 so we went up to room 205 for steps 2-4... After that, we went down to steps 5-8 then paid... Then we were just waiting for the receipt... While waiting, we were looking at the fish tank... Then my sister said she wanted to cut off the eyes of the goldfish because it's eyes were sticking out so much... Haha... I also showed them the goldfish with a missing eye... When we finished, we went to Posh Nails in Greenhills to get pedicures... My eldest sister got peach nail polish, My second sister got a baby pink color and I got a darker, bolder pink color... Then We went to The Old Spaghetti House to eat some pasta... We were like their only costumer at that time and there were men sleeping on the chairs... Haha... When we finished eating, we got the bill and the price is very reasonable... Then we went to this Chinese shop next to TOSH... We bought barquillos, hopias and small balls of tamarind thingies... When I got home, I went online and just chatted with Brianna and Andrew... Eventually Martin went on and Brianna started talking to Martin so I talked to Andrew... Ahem... Yes... Oh, I was able to capture these pictures too... Haha... Song mood: I'll tell you my dirty little secret...
So I woke up early today!!! I woke up at 10!!! Haha... I'm just kidding... That's not early... Anyways, I got ready and left for Brianna's house... When I got there, I ate lunch then we had to go to Ateneo for the Graduation practice from 1-5 pm... Oh and here's the funny thing... I brought my phone with me but I forgot to charge it... Amazing isn't it...
When we first got there, we hung out with Andrei... Then we saw Dani and Bea... Eventually Andrew and Martin came and we had to go to our seats... I was seated near Andrew and since the only people present from Columbia were Brianna, Dani and I, Andrew sat beside me instead... Cinta was there too and her hair was short... And the ends of her hair was like died reddish violet-ish...
So we went up to the balcony and they told us what we were supposed to do and we even practiced it too... While we were up there, the graduates were practicing on stage and their graduation song was "Because you Love Me" by Clay Aikon... Sorry about spelling... I don't really know... Haha... Then Andrew decided to lip sing the song and we caught it on camera... Yey... Haha...
Andrei was our first "model"... It was really funny... Haha... Then when you bow, Nikko takes a picture of you... Haha... then after, we eventually had our break... We saw Sir Fabie outside and some other teachers... Cinta made us libre and I got a barbecue and we shared marengue... Then bought candy...
Then we went back into the auditorium place thing... Then the little kids had to practice going on stage and stuff so the older batches pretended to be the parents... Brianna had 9 kids, I had 3 kids and when Cinta said hi to one of her kids, the kid said "eww"... Haha... Feliza sat beside Andrew at one point and gave him a massage... It was really funny... Anyway, when all those were done, Brianna sat beside Andrew and he was beside me and Cinta was at my right... Then we just watched the people as they practiced... It was pretty dark in the audience so you can't really see whats happening... Andrew and were fighting over the arm rest though so I just put my arm on top of his... Ya... That's all that happened... It was surely a fun day to remember... I'm sure I won't forget it... Hehe...
When we were dismissed, Brianna went back to the girls bathroom because she thinks she lost her tickets there... Anyway, she looses them... Hehe... Then we left na... I was supposed to be picked up at her house but they still had to pick up their mom... So I rode with them and they went all the way to Makati and then the driver didn't have load, Brianna's phone died and my phone was already dead... So we had to go to the lobby, call the unit where Brianna's mom was and wait... It took really long... Anyway, we were already going back to Brianna's house and it was about 7 o'clock already... When I got to their house, we ate dinner and stayed up stairs... Eventually my driver came and I left... Then I had to wait some more because my dad was at the Juacqin (sp?) gallery... So I just fell asleep in the car... When I woke up, we were at home already then I dropped down on the couch from exhaustion... Eventually I got up and went on iChat and chatted with Brianna and Andrew... That all I pretty much did...
It was bri and andrew's second date... Martin came along too... We went to Rockwell then to Powerstation... I saw Javi... Then I got a Tiger in one of the claw games while Brianna and Martin where doubting me... I showed them... LOL!
I went to the US Embassy to get my US visa... Since my mom was still at the hospital recovering. She was supposed to get hers too but I guess we just have to schedule another appointment for her... I woke up at like 9 but we were planning to leave at 11 so I watched tv while eating breakfast till' 10... I watched "The Soup" on Velvet and it was really funny and I really enjoyed it... Then I got ready to go and all... When my siblings and I were all ready in the car, our dad still went upstairs to change his shirt and all... Then we finally left... It took quite a while to get to the US Embassy... When we unloaded the car, there were so many people saying stuff like "no cellphones, electronics, you must have a black pen, 2x2 picture with ears showing" and all those stuff... Then there was a long line even to get past the gate... It was a really long process... Anyway, it was quite long and boring so I''ll just skip to what I did while waiting... I drew... I brought my sister's oold drawing pad and drawing pencils... I just drew this random anime character... We had to line up to get our fingers scanned... It was kinda cool but i had a feeling the man doing his work was kinda getting tired and grumpy because there were so many people... Oh, and I also accidentally lost my brother's eraser somewhere there... Hehe... When it was time for our interview, my dad kept rambling on his works and sculptures and stuff... It was so sad... My mom prepared all these financial files and stuff but my dad didn't even show it. He just showed his art catalog, started talking about his projects and stuff and we got approved! When we were done, it was about 4 to 5 -ish... So after, we went to Pancake House and ate... The last course we had was Golden Brown Waffle... My siblings and I just shared... It was really funny when my brother asked to pass the gravy even though he was referring to the syrup... Hehe... When I got home, I just passed out on the couch and woke up like quarter to 9. Then I just used the computer, got an account at KevJumba... So ya, that's pretty much it... I'm also updating my past blogs... x.x... It will take forever...
I was going to wear my really pretty dress and I invited Brianna so we got ready at her house and the plan was to pick her up, go to my house then to the dinner... When we arrived, my crush wasn't there... =(... But his parents were... Then we got pretty tired and was able to share stuff with my sister Ning Ning... It was fun but not as fun as I wanted it to be...
So I had a dream of my crush, E. I think it was he first time I dreamt about him... I don't really remember what happened because it is even harder to recall dreams... but I know he was there...
So I was bored and I was trying to contact Nicole Lacson... I was trying to recall her number because I used to memorize all my friend's numbers... Then i accidentally put the wrong number then this weird guy Michael Navarro wanted to be my textmate or something... It was really scary so I didn't reply... Creepy and traumatizing... Well, that's all for now...
We had Social and Math... And honestly, even thought the social were all multiple choice, I found Math easier... I actually hate multiple choice... I rather have fill in the blanks... Oh well, I can't always get it my way... I didn't finish all math exam though... It's so sad... LOL! Anyway, when the bell rang, every screamed from relieve and didn't care about the exam anymore which was quite funny... LOL! Anyway, we had a party after... Woohoo!!! I brought 3 platters of sushi. There was also a bucket of KFC chicken, 3 Krispy Kreme boxes, 2 Yellow Cab Pizzas, sodas and cake... Nicole brought the cake just to have a cake fight... LOL! It was really fun... We even creamed Machi, which was really fun... LOL! Then Nicole and I went to Lizzie's house. We rode with Alliya. Then we hung out at the ppol area and we washed our buttery icing-ed hair in the pool. LOL! It was really fun. I wanted to stay longer but my mom was in Robinsons and didn't want waste gasoline... But it was an awesome fun day...
Today was our exams... bum bum bum.... SO our first exam was science... It was quite easy... Although a bit tricky but managable... I forgot who our was our proctor. Then we had english... I forgot how it was... Haha... I guess it was ok... When I got back home, I studied for social and umm... math? Haha... I usually never study for math... Haha... I just take the test and get high grades for math... Haha... It's really like logic anyways...
Now I am studying... It is going to be Science and English tomorrow... I'm kinda worried for English though because I didn't finish reading "Catcher in the Rye"... Hehe... Anyway, it's all memorizing today... Wish me luck...
I know what your thinking... I should be studying by now... but I'm not... LOL! I don't know why but I just don't feel like studying... I am a huge procrastinator... At least I only have 4 more exams and I actually can finish everything without using this saturday... So I am resting before the hectic studying... That's all for now...
Hey guys! Welcome to my blog... I made this to inform my friends what's happening with my life and to remind myself as well... Hehehe... Feel free to post comments or in the chatbox...
I'm usually not the type of person who keeps a diary or blogs. How did it all start? I was kinda inspired by my English Teacher, Sir Fabie, because he blogs a lot...
My goal is to update this everyday... Or at least what happens everyday... That's all for now...