Friday, February 29, 2008
Math Quiz Bee...
So I was the representative for the Maroon Dragons 2nd year... And I didn't study at all... Didn't review at all or even look at my notebook, since I didn't have one... LOL! Yes, I do not have a math notebook yet I do well in math... Hehe... Anyways, I didn't get any of my answers right... Haha... Yes, I choked... I was too nervous and not confident of my answers because the last time I was in a math quiz bee was when I was like in the 3rd Grade and I was like the Math genius in my class. LOL! Although I thought that some of the 3rd and 4th year questions were easier than mine... LOL! Anyway, I'm good at solving number problems but when it comes word problems, I'm not as confident especially when there is a time limit... Then I really choke... Anyway, at least I tried and was able to get some house points... That's all...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Back to school...
So it was back to school for me...I forgot what happened on this day... LOL!... Mostly what we did was tell stories and reminisced... Haha... It was really fun but then back to school...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
No School... Singapore, here I come...
So we didn't have school today... Hehe... So I packed everything already and my mom doesn't trust me with my packing so I have to bring out all the clothes I already packed in my bag, show it to my mom and pack it back again... It was so annoying really... Anyways, I packed everything and charged some stuff... So I got my clothes ready and stuff and was almost ready to go... So I had to sleep early to wake up the next day... But since I was really excited, it took me a while until I fell asleep. During the time I was in bed, to excited to go to sleep, I just day dreamt the whole time... I day dream a lot... I don't know why... Especially in the bathroom... I just let my imagination go wild... And also I think well when I'm the bathroom too... It's really weird... Anyway, that was all...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I don't really remember what happened on this day but I do know that there were tests... LOL! Lots of them...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
So excited for Singapore...
I forgot what happened today so I will just say my thoughts... LOL! I'm really excited to go to Singapore... Although we have a lot to catch up on and a lot of work to do and places to go, the experience is worth it... I can't wait!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Singapore drawing closer...
I forgot what happened today so I will just say my thoughts... LOL! The Singapore trip is drawing closer and closer but there are lots of tests and assessments we have to give... Hopefully I can also rest and enjoy the culture, sights and sounds of Singapore...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Preparing for the leave...
I don't really remember what happened but I know we had one or two exams... Hehe...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Shopping for Trip...
Today I went to Robinsons to buyu clothes for my Singapore trip... I bought a yellow, green and brown shirt... Then I had to buy a blue aqua dress for the gala night... So I tried many different dresses... Hey are a few pictures of them...:
I ended up buying these:
It was a very reasonable price because two of these was equal to the price of this one dress...
I ended up buying these:
It was a very reasonable price because two of these was equal to the price of this one dress...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I'm Supposed to E Again... :(...
So I had to go to school for a blogging seminar... Then I chatted with E and was supposed to go to his house for dinner but then my mom was too tired and stuff... =(... They had lamb curry which is like my favorite... but no... ='(... That's all...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Save the Twins...
Today was teacher's day and I borrowed my sister's clothes... LOL! It's hard being a teacher... Anyway, Ms. Alma wasn't there so I had to do stuff by myself... It was easy to handle Fordham and Columbia... But I got really nervous handling Yale since they are 3rd year... Anyway, I watched Dani's class and she was being so totally unreasonable because there was a family issue with the twins... Anyway, I wanted to Save the Twins but I had to stay back... Sigh... Being a teacher is hard... LOL! Dani and I watched Eileen's class when she was in Yale... Jumbo was like hitting on her and stuff... Then I showed off my Rubik's skills... It was fun... LOL! Because like 4 Rubik's cubes got confiscated... LOL! It was a fun day though... I brought Eileen home... There are other stuff I won't mention but I'm sure it will stick in my head... LOL!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day...
Today is valentine's day... We were having science with Ms. Rule. Then when Nathan came, he gave a rose and I think Starbucks to Michelle... It was really funny...
Then math and social then filipino. We had a recitation quiz... I was with Chino, Kevin, Dani and Lora... And we were on a roll... but then because chino and kevin kept playing, Ms. Joloya deduct one point from us... =(... I got so angry at them because we could have won... That's all for now...
Then math and social then filipino. We had a recitation quiz... I was with Chino, Kevin, Dani and Lora... And we were on a roll... but then because chino and kevin kept playing, Ms. Joloya deduct one point from us... =(... I got so angry at them because we could have won... That's all for now...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Abra Kadabra...
For english we had the interviews in where you were supposed to ask about love life and stuff... Then we had math... Then we had our PBA for Life Skills... Then English again then club... We had to perform 2 tricks... I did it well yey! So I got an A... Yey! Then there was something to do with Brianna, Dani and Nicole but I forgot... LOL!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
We had science and discussed the reproductive system then math then... Blah blah blah... You know the usual schedule... The I chatted with a friend, E... He told me to go to because that's where he watches anime... That's all for now...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Starbucks Incident...
When I arrived to school, there was starbucks that fell on the floor... Then we had english with Sir Fabie then math with Ms. Alma then Social with Sir Olaco... Then we had PE and I was paired with Johnny... I got 6/7 in the test... Yey... Then I went on facebook and found my crush E... =)... Eep... He's so cute! Anyway, that's all for now...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Emma Roberts...
Today is Emma Roberts' 17th birthday!!! Today I went to the Xavier fair... My brother played some games and I met up with Dani since she lives in Avalon, like right across Xavier... Then we played the hand dance game thing but it was harder than the one I usually play because it was the older version and it looks all messy... LOL! Anyway, Birthday Greetings to:
Emma Roberts 17
Liane Oh 16
Katrice delos Reyes 15
Isn't that cool... Lol! Anyway, that's all for now...
Emma Roberts 17
Liane Oh 16
Katrice delos Reyes 15
Isn't that cool... Lol! Anyway, that's all for now...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Went to Lizzie's House...
I went to neuro... Then to Lizzie's... Then Kevin and Elvin dropped by... Ok, to be honest... I forgot what happened on this day... LOL! That's all for now... LOL!
I'm a Student Teacher...
Today was the ISA, International Something Assessment... LOL! I forgot what the S stands for... Anyway, after I was going to Lizzie's with Nicole and Toia but then I was informed by Jimmy Han, the Student Counsel President, that was a student teacher... Representing Ms.Alma... I was in a total shock when I heard that... There was supposed to be a meeting later but I was informed late so I didn't go... That's all for now...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My Crush is so Cute... XD...
It was the first day for ISA, International School Assessment... I was almost late... Just in time... Then we had Math first... Then a break... Then Math again... Then a a break again... I didn't find the math that hard... Then there was a writing exercise... We had to make a story based on a picture... The picture showed a person holding a key, going to open a small chest of some sort... I named my story "The Love Chest." It was about a new girl who meets a guy with a girlfriend so she gets upset and wants to find her one true love... Then her grandma who talks nonsense gives her a book saying how to get to the Love Chest which will lead her to her true love... Her friend goes with her to find the chest and when they finally found it, the girl didn't have o open it anymore because she already found her one true love, who was her friend...
After, I went to Brianna's house but only until 3 o'clock also since my brother didn't have school on that day... When I got home, I fell on the couch but then my mom said we had to go to a Chinese New Year dinner in EDSA Shangri-la Plaza... So I got ready and when we arrived, other Malaysian people came too... Then I saw the guy again... I had a crush on a guy before during another Malaysian dinner that Michelle went with me to... And he was there again... Then I regreted wearing the bra I was wearing because it made me look really flat... x.x... Anyway, then Preeyanka came... The people in our table were Joy, her brother, Bryan, Naesa, Ning Ning, Preeyanka, me, Chloe, Hailey and Evan... We got so many ampaos (sp?) on that day... Then we ate a lot... Then I over heard conversations from the ISM people... I was taking care of Preeyanka and was bringing her everywhere... Then Brian asked us if we were from ICA or something... Then I had a disguised look on my face... Then my sisters said they were in college... Then they asked us how old we were... My eldest sister said 20, my second sister said 18 and I said 15... The Bryan said "Oh really, you look so young... I thought you were 12, while pointing at me, and you look like high school, referring to my sisters..." Then I asked them, "Why? How old are you guys?" Bryan replied that he was 14, Evan and another guy was 15 and Joy's brother was 16... I got so shocked to find out their ages because they look so mature and are really tall... Then when people were leaving, I borrowed my brother's deck of cards and performed the biddle trick to Brian and Evan... I also drew using Preeyanka's things... I drew Kuchiki Rukia and well. my crush... Hehe... Then Evan was leaving then Brian talked to my sisters and I more... He saw me draw Rukia so we sorta could relate because he likes anime... Anyway, then when he was leaving, we found out he was like half Indonesian or something... Hehe... That's all... Oh, we also got a stuffed toy rat from Shangri-La because my sister ordered for me the drink of the month... Hehe...
After, I went to Brianna's house but only until 3 o'clock also since my brother didn't have school on that day... When I got home, I fell on the couch but then my mom said we had to go to a Chinese New Year dinner in EDSA Shangri-la Plaza... So I got ready and when we arrived, other Malaysian people came too... Then I saw the guy again... I had a crush on a guy before during another Malaysian dinner that Michelle went with me to... And he was there again... Then I regreted wearing the bra I was wearing because it made me look really flat... x.x... Anyway, then Preeyanka came... The people in our table were Joy, her brother, Bryan, Naesa, Ning Ning, Preeyanka, me, Chloe, Hailey and Evan... We got so many ampaos (sp?) on that day... Then we ate a lot... Then I over heard conversations from the ISM people... I was taking care of Preeyanka and was bringing her everywhere... Then Brian asked us if we were from ICA or something... Then I had a disguised look on my face... Then my sisters said they were in college... Then they asked us how old we were... My eldest sister said 20, my second sister said 18 and I said 15... The Bryan said "Oh really, you look so young... I thought you were 12, while pointing at me, and you look like high school, referring to my sisters..." Then I asked them, "Why? How old are you guys?" Bryan replied that he was 14, Evan and another guy was 15 and Joy's brother was 16... I got so shocked to find out their ages because they look so mature and are really tall... Then when people were leaving, I borrowed my brother's deck of cards and performed the biddle trick to Brian and Evan... I also drew using Preeyanka's things... I drew Kuchiki Rukia and well. my crush... Hehe... Then Evan was leaving then Brian talked to my sisters and I more... He saw me draw Rukia so we sorta could relate because he likes anime... Anyway, then when he was leaving, we found out he was like half Indonesian or something... Hehe... That's all... Oh, we also got a stuffed toy rat from Shangri-La because my sister ordered for me the drink of the month... Hehe...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hey Babe, You, Me, Friday Night... NOT!
We had English with Sir Fabie... Then we had Math with Ms. Alma... Then for Life Skills, we had our presentation of what to do and not to do when asking someone on a date, during a date and ending a date... Lizzie and I presented the last... It was really horrible... Since Galo and Alec didn't understand, I pretended to be a guy at one scene... x.x... We didn't plan it enough... Then we had recess... Then we had English again and had Rye School Musical try-outs infront of sir... Then I'm not sure if we had clubs or not... Hehe...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Hana Kimi Fever...
I watched watched Hana Kimi then went to church... We saw the family that visited us last Christmas... When we came back home, I finished watching Hana Kimi... Haha... WHat can I say? I was obsessed... Haha...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
supposed to go to ting's party but none of my other close friends were going so i was planning to go to michelle's for the rye school musical but i took too late to get ready so they couldn't wait for me anymore. my mom and sister left and we didn't have another car. then i called michelle and it turned out to be moved to monday so that was good... I watched Hana Kimi... I went to robinsons with my mom, borther and a maid... We bought my phone, 5310... then we bought a usb for michael... Then my mom and brother watched national treasure whle my maid and i watched 27 dresses... It was nice... We were planning to go to shang for the midnight sale but then we were too tired so we just went back home... That's all...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Dance Off with a 6-year-old...
We had English with Sir Fabie... Math with Ms. Alma... Social with Sir Olaco... Life Skills with Ms. Gonzales... and Science with Ms. Rule... After, I went to Brianna's house to hang out... Then I went to Aunty Betty's house for dinner... Preeyanka eventually came and we ate... Naesa, Michael and Preeyanka watched Step Up while I watched a few episodes of Hana Kimi... When I went out, Preeyanka wanted a dance off... She was really good for a 6 year old... Haha... She was so cute...
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