Woke up at 10... Brianna called to go to her house... I arrived at Bri's... Ate lunch... We watched Rise starring Lucy Liu on Bri's laptop... We were bored and cold so we made a tent out of blankets and watched inside there... We just needed 20 more minutes before the movie would end but Chino came accidentally stopped the movie... Chino wanted to continue filming the movie we made before... So we made other scenes without Michelle in it... It was so funny... We even copied a part of "Gone with the Wind"... Where Chino fell down the stairs... It was so funny and kinda realistic... hahaha... Then Chino had to go back to his house to fix his costume... So he left and Brianna and I got ready in our costumes...
We left to Michelle's house... When we arrived, Alliya and Dani were already there and Dani was "commenting" on Brianna's costume... Michelle was Spiderman/Venom... Alliya was a man (with Won Sok's hat)... Dani was the oogie boogey man... I was an anime school girl and Brianna was a vampire/magician/wicked witch of the west... hahaha... Then we picked up Nathan at his house... We went to Ayala Heights... Picked up Chino... Which was very funny, btw... Chino was the Phantom of the Opera... His mask was made out of the facial mask... haha!!! He couldn't smile, laugh or show emotion or else the mask would crack... haha... It was so funny...
The first place we went to was Ana del Rosario's house... Then we started going around and it was 7... We were one hour late because the trick or treat started at 6... We barely got candy because we didn't have a car and we didn't know the place... haha... Then there was one house that gave fishballs then i got burned... :(... Then when we were near the haunted house (which we didn't go to), I saw Megan Young... The I saw a group of my past classmates like Ella, Aia and others... Then someone called out my name, "Anna!"... It was Caasi Tanchanco... She was the one of the few povedans I was happy to see there... Then we saw some of the 3rd year students... One of them took pictures of us... I have to find those later... Then we were tired and lost hope going around for candy so we left...
We were really hungry so we went to McDo... Dani, Michelle and I went down first because the others were in the back seat... We went to the bathroom and saw a bunch of 18 year old girls trying to show off... Chino finally took of his mask and asked Dani or Michelle to throw it... Then I got it and someone said, "You know, your touching all Chino's blackheads."... Then I screamed and threw it on the floor... hahaha... Then we ordered food... When we were eating, the subject of Kelvin making out with Tin Tin came up... I got so shocked... They were only MU for like two weeks and they have known each other less than a month... I mean... seriously... gross... Nathan and Alliya stayed in McDo when we left because Nathan was going to drop Alliya off at her house... While in the car going to Michelle's, we were talking about the things that Jon Stewart says on "The Daily Show" and other stuff... When we arrived at Michelle's, we watched Casper Returns on Disney Channel because it was already ending... You should have seen Chino's face when watching it... It was so funny... because Chino is a movie critic... Then Brianna and Chino's fetchers were there so we left... I rode with Brianna to her house... When we arrived, my jogging pants and shirt were missing because the maids washed them... hahaha... So I wore Brianna's shorts home and I forgot I was also wearing her sando shirt thing... haha... So I brought them home too... I was so tired afterwards... It was fun though...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Won Sok Gave Me Milo...
I woke up at 5:30... I got ready, left at 6:30... Today was the sports fest so I went to the Marikina Sports Center... I got the new Maroon Dragan shirt (XS) for P350... I learned the cheerleading dance... Then went to the bathroom to change... They added face paint on our faces... It was easily smudged... Played Volleyball... 16-21 & 17-21... We lost... The first because majority of the other team were boys and the second because we had two players who didn't know how to play volleyball... Won Sok gave me Milo...
I made this today... its only a temp... I'm still a long way from finished...

not done yet...
I made this today... its only a temp... I'm still a long way from finished...

not done yet...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Won Sok, Do You Think I'm Cute??? I'll Miss You Uncle Nick...
So I woke up at 10... Watched Aquamarine... Got ready to go to Alliya's house... The driver wasn't there yet... Alliya called then Kelvin got the phone... He started telling Alliya the complete opposite of what I was really saying... After, my dad found out I was talking to a boy... So he made me pledge that I would not get a boyfriend before my siblings... My sisters are in 1st and 1nd year of college and they still never had a boyfriend... *sigh*... Then I left to Alliya's house... When I arrived, Viktor and Eileen was already there... We started writing the outlines for the social presentation... We went down and ate some donuts... We also brought up castanas from downstairs... Eileen wrote the title on the cartolina... She's kinda a perfectionist so it's really nice and neat... When I traced it, it was really nice... After, Viktor traced the other words and it made it kinda ugly... We made kwento and Brianna called... Eileen got the phone and started pretending to be me and Alliya... It was really funny... Eileen told me a story that Won Sok liked Liane... The first text he sent her was "What are you doing?" but Liane couldn't reply because she didn't have any load... The second text was something like "You make my heart something something..." But Liane still didn't have load... The third text was "yes or no?"... there was no question whatsoever... just yes or no... hahaha... Then Viktor left, finally... ThenBrianna called... Eileen and I started playing with the phone... Eileen showed us her cyword account and Won Sok's cyworld account as well... Eileen left... Then we went to club house becaue Paolo was there with TJ... He bought a pack of cigarette so Alliya threw them in the trash can... Then we called Won Sok... We just kept asking questions... List of questions and answers I can remember...:
Q: Are you going to sports fest tomorrow?
A: I'm not sure...
Alliya was kidding when she suggested this but I really asked it...
Q: Do you think I'm cute?
A: Maybe...
Q: Did you ever have a girlfriend?
A: Maybe
Q: Really? I know you had one because you told Brianna on the first day of school...
A: haha... Ah... ya...
Q: Who broke up with who?
A: She broke up with me...
Q: Oh, why?
A: She went back to Korea...
Q: Was she from Reedley?
A: Uh, no... She was from church...
Q: Oh, what is your religion?
A: Catholic...
*will still add more...*
Unfortunate news: This afternoon, my uncle nick died driving home from Jandabai. Due to their religion, Muslim, he has to buried tomorrow... The last time I saw him was November 2006... :((... I'm really sad...
Q: Are you going to sports fest tomorrow?
A: I'm not sure...
Alliya was kidding when she suggested this but I really asked it...
Q: Do you think I'm cute?
A: Maybe...
Q: Did you ever have a girlfriend?
A: Maybe
Q: Really? I know you had one because you told Brianna on the first day of school...
A: haha... Ah... ya...
Q: Who broke up with who?
A: She broke up with me...
Q: Oh, why?
A: She went back to Korea...
Q: Was she from Reedley?
A: Uh, no... She was from church...
Q: Oh, what is your religion?
A: Catholic...
*will still add more...*
Unfortunate news: This afternoon, my uncle nick died driving home from Jandabai. Due to their religion, Muslim, he has to buried tomorrow... The last time I saw him was November 2006... :((... I'm really sad...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I Hate Cheese...
I woke up at 11... Used the computer... Asked Brianna what was the score of the volleyball game 15-50... We got the 15... Watched The Patriot... Forced to have a massage so i didn't finish the movie... Used computer... Got ready to go to church then chang-ge(sp?)... Came home after church to pick up maid... Then dad decided not to go anymore because it was already dark even though it was just 6... Ordered Pizza Hut... They did not have plain crust a.k.a no stuffed crust... Since i hate cheese... We ate pepperoni pizza and chicken wings... I had 3 or 4 slices and a wing while watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith... Then I went up and used the computer again... I downloaded the new songs of Bleach... Today was really boring...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Reedley Still has Got the Hottest Team...
I woke up... went to the bathroom... and... no water! The whole street (or maybe even more places) didn't have water... There was no warning in the news or anything... it just disappeared... So my maids had to buy mineral water 30 pesos/gallon for taking a bath! Today, my mom and siblings are leaving to Malaysia... They won't be back for another week... I can't go because i still have school... on the 30th, which is our sports fest... I'm so excited for it...
Anyways... I went to TUP to watch the volleyball match of Reedley against... i dunno... hahaha... The house with the most students that go, will get more house points... 5 points for each person... When I arrived, I was kinda lost and I finally found Chino and Michelle... It was so funny how I was lost... Anyway, Michelle, Chino and I were talking and we all agreed that Reedley team has the hottest members... haha... The first round was 7-25... guess who got the 25 points... Nope, your wrong... we got the 7... haha... Second round as 2-25... now guess who got the 2 points... Yes, still us... haha!!! So if you combine it, the total score, it is 9-50... haha... That's so sad... hehe... At least the members got to experience it, right? haha...
I was supposed to go home right after but instead, I changed my plan and decided to go to Brianna's house with Michelle and Chino... but then... there was a car problem which made us wait for 1 hour and 16 minutes... Chino was even going a bit crazy... writing on the pavement how many minutes we were waiting for the car... Finally the car came... and we went to Teriyaki Boy, where Brianna's mom and siblings were... We ate then went to Brianna's house... We were so bored... We made a movie... it was really funny... I'll post it on multiply or youtube when we finish making it... Then Chino left... Then we made smores, again... And Bri's dog got stuck on the sticky mouse trap... hahaha... Then we dropped Michelle off at her house... Bri and I came back to her house... ate... while watching Beauty and the Geek... I liked two teams but one of them were eliminated (3 teams left after elimination)... Then called Alliya and saw a mouse in Brianna's room... Called Alliya again and saw the mouse go in the bathroom... then Brianna chased and ran away from it... Then called Alliya again... haha... very retarded I know... haha... Then I got picked up at 7... hehe... Oh and there will be no water yet until tomorrow morning... Urg!!!
Nicole linked me to her blog!!! Look at the first entry... it rocks... haha... because I'm in it... hahaha...
Anyways... I went to TUP to watch the volleyball match of Reedley against... i dunno... hahaha... The house with the most students that go, will get more house points... 5 points for each person... When I arrived, I was kinda lost and I finally found Chino and Michelle... It was so funny how I was lost... Anyway, Michelle, Chino and I were talking and we all agreed that Reedley team has the hottest members... haha... The first round was 7-25... guess who got the 25 points... Nope, your wrong... we got the 7... haha... Second round as 2-25... now guess who got the 2 points... Yes, still us... haha!!! So if you combine it, the total score, it is 9-50... haha... That's so sad... hehe... At least the members got to experience it, right? haha...
I was supposed to go home right after but instead, I changed my plan and decided to go to Brianna's house with Michelle and Chino... but then... there was a car problem which made us wait for 1 hour and 16 minutes... Chino was even going a bit crazy... writing on the pavement how many minutes we were waiting for the car... Finally the car came... and we went to Teriyaki Boy, where Brianna's mom and siblings were... We ate then went to Brianna's house... We were so bored... We made a movie... it was really funny... I'll post it on multiply or youtube when we finish making it... Then Chino left... Then we made smores, again... And Bri's dog got stuck on the sticky mouse trap... hahaha... Then we dropped Michelle off at her house... Bri and I came back to her house... ate... while watching Beauty and the Geek... I liked two teams but one of them were eliminated (3 teams left after elimination)... Then called Alliya and saw a mouse in Brianna's room... Called Alliya again and saw the mouse go in the bathroom... then Brianna chased and ran away from it... Then called Alliya again... haha... very retarded I know... haha... Then I got picked up at 7... hehe... Oh and there will be no water yet until tomorrow morning... Urg!!!
Nicole linked me to her blog!!! Look at the first entry... it rocks... haha... because I'm in it... hahaha...
Friday, October 26, 2007
I Love You Forever I Like You For Always as Long as I'm Living My Won Sok You'll Be...
When I entered the classroom, Dani showed me her costume and wore it... it was so funny... it looked like a comforter... hahaha... So we had English with Sir Fabie... we had a quiz about the IP format... I got 11/10 but the highest score was 12/10... number 6 was for 2 points and there was a bonus: What radio station did Sir Fabie work in? When I was answering the quiz, I was thinking 89.1... and it turns out to be CORRECT! but I didn't write it because I was scared to... hehe... :((... Nicole and Alliya had a rubik's cube competition, who could finish first... Although, Nicole's cube was harder because Sir Fabie told her to put candle wax on it... hehe... so she could practice with the kind of cube people compete with... And guess who won... *drum roll*... Alliya! Congrats! (there is another one blow in Social part)... Chino tried Dani's costume on... it was so funny... then he thought he saw Ms. Penuliar so he ran to the one corner of the room... it was so funny how he walked... hahaha... Anyway, then we had math with Sir Fabie, again... We had a ENRP activity... I knew the answer because I saw it in Totally Spies... And yes, finally television helps me in school... haha... Then Sir was talking about how to solve situations by asking the person yes or no questions... When Sir was telling people the situation, I was writing my ENRP solutions. I only heard him say, "Then he went out of the restaurant and shot himself. Why did he shoot himself?" Then I immediately said, "because he ate a human." Then Sir said yes, it was correct and that I skipped many steps because I didn't even ask any questions... hahaha... I already heard it from my Povedan friends... hehehe... Brianna asked Won Sok if he wanted to go to her house, then he said, "Oh ok, I'll see"... because I was going to Brianna's house as well...
Then we had social and we have an activity... We have a presentation to do... I'm with Alliya, Raven, Eileen, Nicole, Johnny and TJ... we just need to make a brain map... I wanted to be in group 3... :((... Won Sok is in group 3 and they are gonna make a song... Alliya and Nicole had another rubik's cube contest... but this time, they switched rubik's cube... and Nicole won! It was really because of the cube... hahaha... No surprise because she is like the Cube Queen... hehe... She is even faster than Sir Fabie by a few seconds...
Then we had Life Skills... Ms. Gonzales read to us "Love you Forever" by Robert Munch which is a really nice story and because it was also used in an episode of Friends, during Emma's first Birthday... hehehe... Then we had a count off... 1 to 8... I was in group 6 and was with Lora, and Michelle... We assigned a letter to each from a to c... Lora got A, Michelle got B and I got C... So Lora was the kid, Michelle was the mom, and I was the dad... haha... There were many funny groups like this... Dani was a kid, Nathan was a mom and Nicole was the dad... hahaha... We had to tell our "family" the family structures, family cycle and one more thing... haha... I forgot... o.o... hahaha... During Science, we had a lecture about food chain and food web... then a seatwork... we didn't take the quiz anymore... hehehe... yey! I also drew another picture of Won Sok ... hahaha...
Then we waited for Chino and peeps because we were going to Brianna's house... I was just turning Lizzie around on the wheeled-chair like a ride... hehe... but while a was turning her, I just kept looking at Won Sok and how cute he is... eep... x3... so cute!!! Then secret talked to Won Sok and Johnny... Alliya was beside me at that time and I said, "Only Leo is missing"... hehehe... Then I went near the canteen with Alliya and she taught Apex and I how to solve a step in the rubik's cube... then when we were gonna leave na, but then I saw Won Sok's car leave... :((... Then we finally left to Brianna's...
When we arrived, we ate (pizza, chicken and pasta... had chocolate ice cream and grape fruit after) and went to Brianna's room... Michelle, Brianna and Chino watched "Gone with the Wind". Lizzie watched once in a while... Dani and I were sewing her costume and I was sewing part of my bag... Alliya fell asleep on the bed... hehehe... then when Alliya got up, I stayed beside her and we were fantasizing with Lizzie... hehehe... I helped Dani sew her trick-or-treat bag... Then Chino, Lizzie, Alliya and Michelle had to leave... Dani finished her costume and tried it on... Then Dani, Brianna and I went down to get smores... but Dani was still wearing the costume and the floor was really slippery... guess how she went down stairs (sitting on the stairs) ... haha... hilarious... then we put the smores in the microwave and the marshmallows became so big... haha... we ate and we fed Dani (since her costume doesn't allow her to use her hands properly)... She finally took it off then we went back up... I saw a rat in Brianna's litchen pass 3 times but Brianna and Dani didn't even notice... hahaha... We all needed to use the water closet after... hahaha... then we watched something in the computer 0.0... hahaha... Then the maids called and said Dani's mom was there... a few minutes later... the maid called again and said it was the wrong person! haha... It was my mom who was there and Dani went all the way down for nothing... hahaha... it was so funny...
Then I went home, and ate dinner (really soft, peppery and tender tender loin)... hahaha... I looked for clothes I can use as my Halloween costume... I'm gonna use my brother's uniform from last year and my sister's soccer socks... All I need left is a gray skirt and a red ribbon... Then I made this blog, which I think is officially the longest one I made... hahaha... Did you notice I kept using "then" or "and then"? hahaha... My mom and sisters are going to Malaysia tomorrow... without me... :((... I'm worried that my dad wouldn't allow me to go to the sleepover after trick-or-treating... :((... Wish me luck...
Then we had social and we have an activity... We have a presentation to do... I'm with Alliya, Raven, Eileen, Nicole, Johnny and TJ... we just need to make a brain map... I wanted to be in group 3... :((... Won Sok is in group 3 and they are gonna make a song... Alliya and Nicole had another rubik's cube contest... but this time, they switched rubik's cube... and Nicole won! It was really because of the cube... hahaha... No surprise because she is like the Cube Queen... hehe... She is even faster than Sir Fabie by a few seconds...
Then we had Life Skills... Ms. Gonzales read to us "Love you Forever" by Robert Munch which is a really nice story and because it was also used in an episode of Friends, during Emma's first Birthday... hehehe... Then we had a count off... 1 to 8... I was in group 6 and was with Lora, and Michelle... We assigned a letter to each from a to c... Lora got A, Michelle got B and I got C... So Lora was the kid, Michelle was the mom, and I was the dad... haha... There were many funny groups like this... Dani was a kid, Nathan was a mom and Nicole was the dad... hahaha... We had to tell our "family" the family structures, family cycle and one more thing... haha... I forgot... o.o... hahaha... During Science, we had a lecture about food chain and food web... then a seatwork... we didn't take the quiz anymore... hehehe... yey! I also drew another picture of Won Sok ... hahaha...
Then we waited for Chino and peeps because we were going to Brianna's house... I was just turning Lizzie around on the wheeled-chair like a ride... hehe... but while a was turning her, I just kept looking at Won Sok and how cute he is... eep... x3... so cute!!! Then secret talked to Won Sok and Johnny... Alliya was beside me at that time and I said, "Only Leo is missing"... hehehe... Then I went near the canteen with Alliya and she taught Apex and I how to solve a step in the rubik's cube... then when we were gonna leave na, but then I saw Won Sok's car leave... :((... Then we finally left to Brianna's...
When we arrived, we ate (pizza, chicken and pasta... had chocolate ice cream and grape fruit after) and went to Brianna's room... Michelle, Brianna and Chino watched "Gone with the Wind". Lizzie watched once in a while... Dani and I were sewing her costume and I was sewing part of my bag... Alliya fell asleep on the bed... hehehe... then when Alliya got up, I stayed beside her and we were fantasizing with Lizzie... hehehe... I helped Dani sew her trick-or-treat bag... Then Chino, Lizzie, Alliya and Michelle had to leave... Dani finished her costume and tried it on... Then Dani, Brianna and I went down to get smores... but Dani was still wearing the costume and the floor was really slippery... guess how she went down stairs (sitting on the stairs) ... haha... hilarious... then we put the smores in the microwave and the marshmallows became so big... haha... we ate and we fed Dani (since her costume doesn't allow her to use her hands properly)... She finally took it off then we went back up... I saw a rat in Brianna's litchen pass 3 times but Brianna and Dani didn't even notice... hahaha... We all needed to use the water closet after... hahaha... then we watched something in the computer 0.0... hahaha... Then the maids called and said Dani's mom was there... a few minutes later... the maid called again and said it was the wrong person! haha... It was my mom who was there and Dani went all the way down for nothing... hahaha... it was so funny...
Then I went home, and ate dinner (really soft, peppery and tender tender loin)... hahaha... I looked for clothes I can use as my Halloween costume... I'm gonna use my brother's uniform from last year and my sister's soccer socks... All I need left is a gray skirt and a red ribbon... Then I made this blog, which I think is officially the longest one I made... hahaha... Did you notice I kept using "then" or "and then"? hahaha... My mom and sisters are going to Malaysia tomorrow... without me... :((... I'm worried that my dad wouldn't allow me to go to the sleepover after trick-or-treating... :((... Wish me luck...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
School Day WithOUT Won Sok...
Won Sok was absent today!!! :((
Had science, then lecture and used giraffes as examples... Had math... had a quiz then seatwork... Will have a quiz tomorrow... Had recess... dismissed late... Next subject, Life Skills... late! Ahh! I cannot be late one more time the whole quarter... Urgg!!! Got Life Skills exam back... got Won Sok's... got information and pictures... hehehe... Had Filipino for the first time with Ms. Estrada, first quarter English teacher... I don't like it because it has things to do with history as well... :(...
Trisha, my old Poveda classmate, found out my secret (the one I told Alliya)... I talked to secret... and I was nervous... eep...
I watched Bleach episode 145 on crunchyroll... I also posted pictures in my crunchyroll account... Been bummed all day... WON SOK :((... I edit a picture of Ichigo to make him look like Won Sok... hehehe... Needs A LOT more work...
Had science, then lecture and used giraffes as examples... Had math... had a quiz then seatwork... Will have a quiz tomorrow... Had recess... dismissed late... Next subject, Life Skills... late! Ahh! I cannot be late one more time the whole quarter... Urgg!!! Got Life Skills exam back... got Won Sok's... got information and pictures... hehehe... Had Filipino for the first time with Ms. Estrada, first quarter English teacher... I don't like it because it has things to do with history as well... :(...
Trisha, my old Poveda classmate, found out my secret (the one I told Alliya)... I talked to secret... and I was nervous... eep...
I watched Bleach episode 145 on crunchyroll... I also posted pictures in my crunchyroll account... Been bummed all day... WON SOK :((... I edit a picture of Ichigo to make him look like Won Sok... hehehe... Needs A LOT more work...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Report Card Day...
So everyone in class got +4 points, 2 points in language and 2 points in literature, because of me! Hehehe... I submitted the e-book of "To Kill A Mockingbird"...
We had math... and yes, homework again... We had a lecture, then quiz in social...
Then we had Literature and did an IP thing... We have a quiz on the IP format on Friday...
We were dismissed early, 11:20... I told Alliya a secret :)... We got our report cards today... We have to have a letter from the parents to get it or your parent/s have to come...
Dani got 4.0 in her GPA! That is like perfect! I kinda expected it since she was exempted in 3 subjects during the exams... Although she got 2 Bs in deportment and that means she can't get into the head master's list. What I admire about her is that she didn't care about and expected the deportment grade meaning she stuck to her principle.
Brianna got 3.80 something... hehe... at least it got higher compared to her first quarter... I got All A- in major subjects and Life Skills, A in minor subjects except music... I got a B... and in my deportment, straight As... :((... It's so sad... I could have gotten in head master's list if it wasn't for music... My GPA is 3.50... Last quarter, I got straight As in academics but one B in deportment in Social so I couldn't get into head masters list then... I got a 3.60 something for my GPA during the first quarter... At least this time, I will get a deportment award... yey! Now, this 3rd quarter, I really can't get head master's award because I've already been tardy 3 times... so far... hehe... and the maximum is 1 tardy and no absents...
I was really responsible during the first quarter and I'm kinda slacking off... Hehe... Maybe it's because of the change of my study habits... hehe... ok... that's all for now... :) Oh ya, I also posted the pictures of Won Sok from the Outreach Program in my multiply
We had math... and yes, homework again... We had a lecture, then quiz in social...
Then we had Literature and did an IP thing... We have a quiz on the IP format on Friday...
We were dismissed early, 11:20... I told Alliya a secret :)... We got our report cards today... We have to have a letter from the parents to get it or your parent/s have to come...
Dani got 4.0 in her GPA! That is like perfect! I kinda expected it since she was exempted in 3 subjects during the exams... Although she got 2 Bs in deportment and that means she can't get into the head master's list. What I admire about her is that she didn't care about and expected the deportment grade meaning she stuck to her principle.
Brianna got 3.80 something... hehe... at least it got higher compared to her first quarter... I got All A- in major subjects and Life Skills, A in minor subjects except music... I got a B... and in my deportment, straight As... :((... It's so sad... I could have gotten in head master's list if it wasn't for music... My GPA is 3.50... Last quarter, I got straight As in academics but one B in deportment in Social so I couldn't get into head masters list then... I got a 3.60 something for my GPA during the first quarter... At least this time, I will get a deportment award... yey! Now, this 3rd quarter, I really can't get head master's award because I've already been tardy 3 times... so far... hehe... and the maximum is 1 tardy and no absents...
I was really responsible during the first quarter and I'm kinda slacking off... Hehe... Maybe it's because of the change of my study habits... hehe... ok... that's all for now... :) Oh ya, I also posted the pictures of Won Sok from the Outreach Program in my multiply
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Outreach Program...
Today was so FUN...
My class, Columbiaa, was in an outreach program with Fordham and Durham... We were assigned partners... People who could speak tagalog and people who couldn't... My partner was Eileen... Although Eileen could speak some tagalog herself...
I made a new friend today. His name is Moses but the rowdy boys at the back call him Abraham... hahaha... He knows a lot of languages and martial art forms... He doesn't know his nationality... If he is more of Korean, Chinese or Japanese... He kinda looks like a mixture of all... hahaha...
It's really scary how he knows all the weak spots of the body and how to dislocate his right arm... but he's still really cool...
We arrived at our destination after 3 hours!!! It was a lot of fun in the bus though...
The first two kids to come out were twins... which the Sanchez twins stole... haha... Elvin was blowing kisses at them... hahaha... Eileen and my kids were Mark and Elijah... Won Sok's kid was so attached to him and he had to carry him everywhere... hehe... It was so cute...
We played bring me... first one was pretty "ates"... so our kids got a prize for that... We had a dancing contest thing... My kid, Mark is super flexible and could split! We also had newspaper dance and I lost balance on the 2nd to the last stage... Although Eileen and Crystal won, so one of my kids still won...
The kids had presentations for us and they were so good... Mark was so good and also Michelle's kid... then two kids did street dancing... it was so cool... Then there was awardings... Twins won... Galo won... I won... and Michelle won... It was really nice...
Then going back, some people went straight home so Moses and Jay weren't with us in the bus... I almost sat beside Won Sok but I was too shy... so I was beside Kelvin... I took pictures of Won Sok... yey! I got kinda car sick... haha... i'll finish this blog later... watching Hannah Montana!
My class, Columbiaa, was in an outreach program with Fordham and Durham... We were assigned partners... People who could speak tagalog and people who couldn't... My partner was Eileen... Although Eileen could speak some tagalog herself...
I made a new friend today. His name is Moses but the rowdy boys at the back call him Abraham... hahaha... He knows a lot of languages and martial art forms... He doesn't know his nationality... If he is more of Korean, Chinese or Japanese... He kinda looks like a mixture of all... hahaha...
It's really scary how he knows all the weak spots of the body and how to dislocate his right arm... but he's still really cool...
We arrived at our destination after 3 hours!!! It was a lot of fun in the bus though...
The first two kids to come out were twins... which the Sanchez twins stole... haha... Elvin was blowing kisses at them... hahaha... Eileen and my kids were Mark and Elijah... Won Sok's kid was so attached to him and he had to carry him everywhere... hehe... It was so cute...
We played bring me... first one was pretty "ates"... so our kids got a prize for that... We had a dancing contest thing... My kid, Mark is super flexible and could split! We also had newspaper dance and I lost balance on the 2nd to the last stage... Although Eileen and Crystal won, so one of my kids still won...
The kids had presentations for us and they were so good... Mark was so good and also Michelle's kid... then two kids did street dancing... it was so cool... Then there was awardings... Twins won... Galo won... I won... and Michelle won... It was really nice...
Then going back, some people went straight home so Moses and Jay weren't with us in the bus... I almost sat beside Won Sok but I was too shy... so I was beside Kelvin... I took pictures of Won Sok... yey! I got kinda car sick... haha... i'll finish this blog later... watching Hannah Montana!
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Day in School with Won Sok's New Hair...
So we had English with Sir Fabie and we had a seatwork... then he wanted the complete e-book of "To Kill A Mockingbird" in the computer so that he can use it for a magic trick...
4-point offer:
+2 points each in Language and Literature... (if anyone in the class can find his requirement, +4 points for the whole class) "Look for the e-book of To Kill A Mockingbird in the internet... no photocopy, etc... MUST BE TEXT."
Anyway, while we were doing seatwork, Sir tested Nicole's Rubik's cube speed...
I think it was like 2 minutes and something seconds... haha... That's really fast compared to me because I can't even solve it! Hahaha...
We have homework...
read chapters 3-6 and list down the key characters and characterize them...
We had Math... also have homework... then NO SOCIAL!!! Bwahaha... We had our class picture instead... then had recess... then PE... we played badminton...
Today was kinda boring... haha...
my next mission is: to get a picture of Won Sok's new hair cut! :3
He is so CUTE!!! X3
So we had English with Sir Fabie and we had a seatwork... then he wanted the complete e-book of "To Kill A Mockingbird" in the computer so that he can use it for a magic trick...
4-point offer:
+2 points each in Language and Literature... (if anyone in the class can find his requirement, +4 points for the whole class) "Look for the e-book of To Kill A Mockingbird in the internet... no photocopy, etc... MUST BE TEXT."
Anyway, while we were doing seatwork, Sir tested Nicole's Rubik's cube speed...
I think it was like 2 minutes and something seconds... haha... That's really fast compared to me because I can't even solve it! Hahaha...
We have homework...
read chapters 3-6 and list down the key characters and characterize them...
We had Math... also have homework... then NO SOCIAL!!! Bwahaha... We had our class picture instead... then had recess... then PE... we played badminton...
Today was kinda boring... haha...
my next mission is: to get a picture of Won Sok's new hair cut! :3
He is so CUTE!!! X3
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Boring Sunday...
I woke up at like 10:30...
Uploaded some of the audio clips of "To Kill A Mockingbird" on my multiply...
Forced to have a massage... haha...
finished science homework...
watched Bleach episode 144 on Crunchyroll...
went to 6 o'clock church at Santo Domingo Church...
watched High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel...
used computer and watch tv the whole day... hehehe...
Uploaded some of the audio clips of "To Kill A Mockingbird" on my multiply...
Forced to have a massage... haha...
finished science homework...
watched Bleach episode 144 on Crunchyroll...
went to 6 o'clock church at Santo Domingo Church...
watched High School Musical 2 on Disney Channel...
used computer and watch tv the whole day... hehehe...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A Sad Disappointing Saturday...
I planned to go to a hangout with my camp friends, Javi Bermejo, Michelle Garcia and Joe Ong... since last month!
Because of the bombing in Glorietta II yesterday, my dad doesn't allow anyone in the family to go to malls...
I asked if I could go on my hangout because it will be in Javi's house and he said... NO.
I'm just gonna do what Sir Fabie does and not post things that upset me...
Plus, I don't want to ruin my pretty blog.
I planned to go to a hangout with my camp friends, Javi Bermejo, Michelle Garcia and Joe Ong... since last month!
Because of the bombing in Glorietta II yesterday, my dad doesn't allow anyone in the family to go to malls...
I asked if I could go on my hangout because it will be in Javi's house and he said... NO.
I'm just gonna do what Sir Fabie does and not post things that upset me...
Plus, I don't want to ruin my pretty blog.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A School Day with Tests and A Talk about Singapore...
today wasn't an ordinary day...
I went to school at 12, ate lunch then class started at 1.
I went up to see the classroom assignment and, believe it or not, i wasn't on the list! I went to the classrooms anyway and saw my name on another list. I was assigned in room i forgot the number with Dani, Chino, Eileen, Apex, Jama, Luigi, Joo Hee, Mara, Pau, Sean, Patty, Lui, Viktor and other peeps. We were taking an exam thing for college preparation of something like that. We had four tests. I only finished 1/4 of the first test. 1/2 of the second and third test and i got to finish the fourth test which was general knowledge or something like that.
Afterwards, we had to answer some survey thing then I saw Won Sok through the small window on the door. He was so cute!
We had recess and proceeded to the Lee Kwan You Hall...
I sat beside Won Sok. XD It was like a dream come true... hehehe...
We had a talk about CIS and Mrs. Ong talked about an educational trip to Singapore, which I am allowed to go to by the way. Yey! Although it will still be on Febuary but I still can't wait!
I went to school at 12, ate lunch then class started at 1.
I went up to see the classroom assignment and, believe it or not, i wasn't on the list! I went to the classrooms anyway and saw my name on another list. I was assigned in room i forgot the number with Dani, Chino, Eileen, Apex, Jama, Luigi, Joo Hee, Mara, Pau, Sean, Patty, Lui, Viktor and other peeps. We were taking an exam thing for college preparation of something like that. We had four tests. I only finished 1/4 of the first test. 1/2 of the second and third test and i got to finish the fourth test which was general knowledge or something like that.
Afterwards, we had to answer some survey thing then I saw Won Sok through the small window on the door. He was so cute!
We had recess and proceeded to the Lee Kwan You Hall...
I sat beside Won Sok. XD It was like a dream come true... hehehe...
We had a talk about CIS and Mrs. Ong talked about an educational trip to Singapore, which I am allowed to go to by the way. Yey! Although it will still be on Febuary but I still can't wait!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Must... Finish... Homework... *struggling*
Answer worksheets on the following topics: (Green Folder)
1. Pre-Colonial Settlements
2. Colonial America - Colonial Societies Take Shape
& paper
Read the chapter on family life of the Changes and Choices book (starts at page 186). On a sheet of size 1, please answer each question below in complete sentences.
My Family Set-up:
1.What is the structure of my family?
2. In what stage/s in the family cycle is my famile at?
3. Among the 4 major functions of the family, which of these do I clearlyeperience/s? How?
4. What do I appreciate most about my family?
IT - size 1
1. How do you start Frontpage application?
2.What are the different parts of Frontpage?
3.What are the different toolbars present?
4.List down the items in the view panel?
5.Give at least 5 shortcut kets you can use in the application.
- In a short bond paper, each member should submit a one paragraph paraphrased research material related to your investigatory projects from the following types of sources: book, scientific journal, internet site. You are allowed to have 3-5 pages of research material per group member
- Research about the historical background of the book, to kill a mockingbird. Compare and contrast events in history with the events that are portrayed in the story by using Venn Diagram
- Describe her childhood
- Who are her parents?
- Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Cunningham Finch Lee
- When and where was she born?
- small southwestern Alabama town of Monroeville on April 28, 1926
- What was she like as a child?
- a tomboy and a precocious reader, and enjoyed the friendship of her schoolmate and neighbor, the young Truman Capote.
- Describe her life in college.
- Where did she enroll?
- all-female Huntingdon College in Montgomery (1944-45), and then pursued a law degree at the University of Alabama (1945-49) Though she did not complete the requirements for a law degree, she pursued studies for summer in Oxford, England for a year as an exchange student
- What did she do while in school?
- she wrote for several student publications and spent a year as editor of the campus humor magazine, Rammer-Jammer.
- How did she become writer?
- In 1949, six months before finishing her studies, she quit school and went to New York to pursue a literary career. She worked during the 1950s as an airline reservations clerk with Eastern Air Lines and British Overseas Airways. In 1959, she accompanied her close friend, Truman Capote, to Holcombe, Kansas, as a research assistant for his classic nonfiction “novel,” In Cold Blood (1966)
- Describe how she came to write her novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
- What particular event was experienced by Lee that became the basis for the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird?
- Lee was only five years old when, in April 1931 in the small Alabama town of Scottsboro, the first trials began surrounding the purported rapes of two white women by nine young black men. The defendants, who were nearly lynched before being brought to court, were not provided with the services of a lawyer until the first day of trial. Despite medical testimony that the women had not been raped, the all-white jury found the men guilty of the crime and sentenced all but the youngest, a thirteen-year-old, to death. Six years of subsequent trials saw most of these convictions repealed, and all but one of the men freed or paroled. The Scottsboro case left a deep impression on the young Lee, who would use it later as the rough basis for the events in To Kill a Mockingbird.
- What kind of success did To Kill A Mockingbird attain?
- she completed To Kill a Mockingbird in the summer of 1959. Published July 11, 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird was an immediate bestseller and won her great critical acclaim, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1961. It remains a bestseller today, with over 30 million copies in print, and has earned a secure place in the canon of American literature. In 1999, it was voted "Best Novel of the Century" in a poll conducted by the Library Journal.
Answer worksheets on the following topics: (Green Folder)
1. Pre-Colonial Settlements
2. Colonial America - Colonial Societies Take Shape
& paper
Read the chapter on family life of the Changes and Choices book (starts at page 186). On a sheet of size 1, please answer each question below in complete sentences.
My Family Set-up:
1.What is the structure of my family?
2. In what stage/s in the family cycle is my famile at?
3. Among the 4 major functions of the family, which of these do I clearlyeperience/s? How?
4. What do I appreciate most about my family?
IT - size 1
1. How do you start Frontpage application?
2.What are the different parts of Frontpage?
3.What are the different toolbars present?
4.List down the items in the view panel?
5.Give at least 5 shortcut kets you can use in the application.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
First Blog...
So this is my first blog...
I was kinda inspired by my English teacher, Sir Marcelle Fabie, because he blogs all the time even though he think's its not quite enough.
Sir Fabie's Blog
I have another blog but I've been so lazy to use it...
My Xanga Blog
The last time I used it was March 09, 2007... hahaha...
Tomorrow, I have no school!!! It's study holiday but have TONS of homework :((
Anyways, I am going to Brianna's house to do homework
i'll finish this blog later... if ever i'm not finished... am i? '-'
I was kinda inspired by my English teacher, Sir Marcelle Fabie, because he blogs all the time even though he think's its not quite enough.
Sir Fabie's Blog
I have another blog but I've been so lazy to use it...
My Xanga Blog
The last time I used it was March 09, 2007... hahaha...
Tomorrow, I have no school!!! It's study holiday but have TONS of homework :((
Anyways, I am going to Brianna's house to do homework
i'll finish this blog later... if ever i'm not finished... am i? '-'
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